Remote Gaming on a Tablet: Is it Possible?

Ever been in that moment when you are away from home and remember you forgot to give your friend something? Perhaps they are supposed to be crafting you some new armor and you have all the metal. What if you aren’t going to be home for hours or even a few days? With remote software, it is possible to satisfy this gaming problem with remote gaming.

Remote Software

Remote software allows you to use your PC from your tablet or phone. Personally, I do prefer the tablet view as the screen is larger than your smart phone due to screen resolutions. It is still going to be smaller than what you are used to, but dimensions will remain the same. So far, I’ve been testing out using Splashtop Personal to research for this article.

By using remote software, you can utilize the processor of your computer to do most of the work. The tablet only has to render the screen preview. Speed of your software, and any lag or latency that you experience, will of course depend most on the speed of the internet signal you are surfing. For my testing, I was on my home wi-fi on both my laptop and tablet.

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